Harika Bonthu
1 min readMay 30, 2020

First Touch of torch.tensor, Jupyter Notebooks

As this is my first time writing a blog, I am not gonna write anything on technical stuff. I kinda share my experience working torch.tensor, Jupyter Notebooks.

Well, as a part of our first assignment, we are supposed to pick any five tensor functions and provide working, non-working/breaking examples.

After a lot of struggle, I end up with two choices: 1) Pick functions that start with the letters in my name H-A-R-I-K-A or 2) Pick some functions that help me understand at least one concept of Data Analysis.

First, I have chosen the stupidest option but could not really understand when to use the operations that start with H(half, hardshrink, histc) 😑. Then I kinda decided to go for the second option and chose the concept Exploratory Data Analysis(EDA) which is a key step in the Machine Learning/Model Building process.

After some hours of thinking and struggle, luckily I am able to complete three functions(Mean, Mode, Median), but all this while, I have not committed the code thinking autosave option would be enough, and code can be committed at once on the completion of the assignment.

An unfortunate thing happened and I am left with zero percent of code saved 😫 and again started from scratch.

By the way, below is the link to my work. Check it out and please help me improve with your valuable feedback 😎

Special thanks to #Jovian.ml # freeCodeCamp #PyTorch #DeepLearning #

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